How are you today?
Today we are going to study one of the most brilliant Spanish painters, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes.
Goya was born in 1746 in Fuentetodos, a small village in Zaragoza.
He painted a lot of pictures and protraits during his life.
As we have studiend in Social science, unit 9, Goya was the official painter of the royal family so, he painted the protraits of the king Charles IV, do you remember?
Here you have a video to know him much better.
The activity of today is very different, we have never done anything like that before.
You are not going to draw ANYTHING.
It's going to be something original and very funny.
Here you can see many of Goya's pictures.
So, you are going to choose 1 of his pictures, the one that you want and, you are going to reproduce the picture. How?
Very easy, you are going to use your imagination and the things, objects, tools and items of clothes that you have got at home and you are going to take yourself a picture with your tablet or mobile. If you need help, you can ask for your family, parents, brothers, sisters, pets, etc. You should copy the gesture, the body posture, the hands, the head, the action, etc.
Then, you are going to send me the picture by email.
So, come on! Let's be creative!
SERGIO M. - El majo de la guitarra.
AITANA E. and her brothers and sister - Las mozas del cántaro
ADRIANA and her sister - El quitasol
MARIO and his family - Los leñadores
ROCÍO P. - La Reina María Luisa a caballo.
MARÍA G. - La reina María Luisa con mantilla.
GABRIELA - La reina María Luisa a caballo.
IVÁN and his brother - Niños inflando una vejiga
ADRIAN P. - El niño del árbol
Daniel G. and his siter - El quitasol
BLANCA - Don Manuel Osorio Manrique
SERGIO G. and Valle - El quitasol
CAROLINA and her family - Las gigantillas
LUCÍA Z. and her sister - El pescador de caña
ROBERTO U. and his family - Las Gigantillas
CANDELA E. - La reina María Luisa con mantilla.
JORGE G. - Perros en traílla
LOREA - La reina María Luisa a caballo