martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019

Educación Física

Hola, hola!
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¿Que tal estáis?
Hoy nuestro profe de Educación Física, Ismael, nos ha hecho unas fotos haciendo los equilibrios y figuras que estamos realizando en las clase de gimnasia.
Nos encantan estos ejercicios y cada día nos salen mejor las figuras.
Esta actividad está muy relacionada con el tema de Natural Science que acabamos de ver ya que, mantener una buena postura es importantísmo para nuestro crecimiento y nuestro estado físico.
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Aquí tenéis algunas fotos para que veáis lo bien que lo hacemos.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019


Hi pupils!
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As you know, we are making Christmas cards for all students at school.
Christmas is time to share and wish happiness to everybody.
That's why we are going to wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR to our secret friend with our fantastic Christmas cards.

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Here you have got the ideas that we have seen in class.
Have you chosen your card?Come on!!

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2019

Art and crafts

Hi kids,
how is it going?
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The new activity of Art class is related to Social Science.
At Social, we are studying the Visigoths and the Muslims, do you remember?
And, we have said in class that during the Al-Andalus, the Muslims built the amazing Alhambra.
Have you ever visited it?

Here you have got a video to see the incredible beauty of this building and its palace, gardens, fountains, mosaics, etc.

So, at school, we are going to work symmetry inspiring us in these mosaics and patterns.

So, prepare your pencils, rubbers and rulers for tomorrow!
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Christmas Festival!!

Hi everyone!
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Christmas is almost here! Are you nervous???
At school, as every year, we are going to celebrate our school festival.
winter holiday tinsel and lights
This year, we are going to sing and dance!
We are going to do the show the two classes together., 5A and 5B.
Here you have got the two songs, the spanish one is the song that we are going to sing and, the english one is the song that we are going to dance.

Spanish song to sing and dance: Me lo pido

English song to dance: It's Christmas time

Let's rehearse at home and school to have a FANTASTIC show.
Don't forget you are invited to come and sing and dance with us.
Come on! Let's celebrate Christmas together!

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jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Social science

Hiiii kids!
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 here you have got the new PowerPoint presentation for Social science.
With this unit number 6, start with the history.
Last year, we studied the Prehistory and the Ancient History and, this year, we are going to study the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
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This unit is suuuuper interesting because we are going to learn many surprising facts for example, do you know where the name of our province, Guadalajara, comes from?
Let's discover it!

To understand the unit a little bit more, here you have got some videos with THE SAME information we have studied at school.



martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

Natural science

Hi everyone,
how is it going?
Popping out from a rabbit hole with 'It Me' painted on a wooden sign

At Natural science class, we are studying fascinating things about the health and the human body.
We already know many things from last courses but, it is very important to remember them one more time.
Do you know how many hours a child should sleep every day?
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Do you know what we should eat to grow and to have hard bones and muscles?
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Here, in this presentation we can find the answers and many more things.
For example, we are going to learn what happerns to our body when we have got an accident or when we haven't got healthy habits.
Let's discover it.

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019


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Hola chic@s, ¿qué tal estáis?
Hoy he estado pensado como puedo ayudaros a estudiar un poco mejor de lo que soléis hacer.
Aunque en clase os lo decimos uuuuuna y otra vez, díaaaa tras día, creo no es suficiente.
Por eso he buscado información y he hecho un horario que creo que deberíais empezar a usar para organizaros mucho mejor las tardes en casa.
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En casa por las tardes cuando tengáis trabajo que no hayáis terminado en clase, debéis sentaros en un lugar sin distracciones, un sitio tranquilo en casa con:

  • Vuestra tablet para ver los libros digitales, las actividades digitales de cada unidad, este mismo blog dónde están los PowerPoints y los recursos de Google Classroom.
  • Vuestro cuaderno.
  • Vuestro Activity Book.
  • Las fichas de repaso que se os envían de cada tema.
Como ni vosotr@s, ni vuestras familias, ni nosotros, el profesorado queremos, no podéis estar tooooda la tarde haciendo ejercicios, ni deberes ni estudiando en una sola tarde una unidad entera para un control. 

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo de como organizaros las tardes.

Además, he encontrado unos consejos de estudio que son también MUY interesantes para tener en cuenta.

Espero de verdad que os sirva para este curso y para siempre.
Nos vemos en clase,
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