domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

Social Science

What's up kids?馃槢

What a cold weekend, isn´t it?☃
The winter is coming! ⛇☃
We can notice it because temperatures are low⛄ and
the days are shorter.馃寽
Do you like autumn and winter?❓
In this unit 2 of Social Science we are going to study many interesting things
about the weather, the clouds, the different climates in Spain, etc.
Maybe it is time to watch the weather forecast on TV馃摵 to be ready for this unit!

Hi students, how are you?
I have got a new task for you.
This morning in class, we have studied how to interpret weather graphs about precipitation and temperature, do you remember? Here you can see two new graphs about two different cities, London and Tokyo. In your Social science notebook, you have to copy and answer the following questions to compare these two cities. We will correct them in our next class!!!

Q1 In which month of the year is the temperature the highest in London? And in Tokyo?
Q2 In which month of the year is the temperature the lowest in London? And in Tokyo?
Q3 Which month of the year has the highest precipitations in London? And in Tokyo?
Q4 Which month of the yeat has the lowest precipitations in London? And in Tokyio?
Q5 Which city is the coldest? And the hottest?

Natural Science

Hi friends!

Unit 1 is finished but, we continue with unit 2, "Our senses".✋馃憘馃憙馃憚馃憖
This topic is quite related to the previous unit.
Do you remember that we need the senses to detect
the changes in the environment? (Process of sensitivity)

Do you know how many senses we have got?❓
And how do they work?❔
Let's find out together!馃攷

s谩bado, 27 de octubre de 2018

Repaso lengua

Hola hola!!! ¿Qu茅 tal llev谩is el fin de semana? Vengo a daros un poquito de trabajo 馃槈
Os pongo por aqu铆 tambi茅n la ficha de repaso que llev谩is en el cuaderno y unos enlaces a juegos para repasar las palabras agudas, llanas y esdr煤julas.

Blog con muchos enlaces a juegos:

¡¡¡Hasta el luneees!!! 馃槂馃槂馃槂 Y... ¡Estudiad mucho!

mi茅rcoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Halloween 2!!!

Hi friends!馃槈

As you know, this year we are going to be the black cats at the halloween party of our school.
In our art and crafts class, we are creating these great cat masks.
Here you have the template and some ideas to decorate them.


jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Escapada a Mandayona!!!

Hola amig@s!!!馃槈

El pasado jueves 4 de octubre casi todos los alumn@s de 4潞 curso del colegio El Coto hicimos una peque帽a visita a Mandayona.

All铆 estuvimos contemplando el paisaje del Parque Natural Barranco del R铆o Dulce. En nuestro paseo nos acompa帽aron dos gu铆as, Montse y Bernardo, que nos ense帽aron muchas cosas como por ejemplo que TODOS, ni帽os y mayores, debemos respetar la naturaleza, proteger a los animales y cuidar nuestros paisajes que son de TODOS!馃挆

Aqu铆 pod茅is ver algunas fotos de ese gran d铆a!馃摲

Hasta pronto!

mi茅rcoles, 17 de octubre de 2018


馃巸馃拃Hi spooky friends!!馃拃馃巸

Halloween is almost here! On 31st October, we are going to celebrate Halloween at the school.
This year we are going to be the BLACK CATS of the El Coto school. Meawwww!!!!!!

Here you can read and listen to the song that we are going to dance that day at the playground!
Are you ready to move your SPOOOOKY SKELETONS with us?
Come on!


Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Let’s do the Halloween stomp, stomp, stomp
Halloween stomp, stomp, stomp
Halloween stomp, stomp, stomp
Let’s do the Halloween stomp!

Do the flying superman
Do the marching soldier
Do the prancing princess (I’m a prancing princess)
Do the slicing ninja

Put your hands in the air, shake them everywhere
Turn around on the spot, walk around like a robot
Step to the left, step to the right, swing your hips side to side
Stomp, stomp, stomp! Do the Halloween stomp
Stomp, stomp, stomp…

Do the werewolf wiggle
Do the skeleton jiggle (Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle)
Do the trick or treat conga (Trick or treat conga)
Do the creeping tarantula (Aaah! Get it away!)

Put your hands in the air, shake them everywhere
Turn around on the spot, walk around like a robot
Step to the left, step to the right, swing your hips side to side
Stomp, stomp, stomp! Do the Halloween stomp
Stomp, stomp, stomp…
Do the stirring witch, mixing her brew
Do the hopping Cinderella, who has just one shoe

Put your hands in the air, shake them everywhere
Turn around on the spot, walk around like a robot
Step to the left, step to the right, swing your hips side to side
Stomp, stomp, stomp! Do the Halloween stomp
Stomp, stomp, stomp! Do the Halloween stomp
Stomp, stomp, stomp! Do the Halloween stomp
Stomp, stomp, stomp….

Do the Halloween stomp... STOMP!

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Social Science

What's up mates?

At school we are studying the Earth and Space in our first unit of Social Science.
We love the Universe!
Did you know the Earth is always spinning around the Sun and on its axis and we don't notice it!
It's amazing!
And a trivial question for you, do you know the first living thing which travelled into the space?
A clue for you: "Woof-woof".

Here you can find the answer and also you can see what more things we are learning in our social classes, it's quite  interesting!


Hubble Space telescope youtuve channel:

Hubble Space telescope official site:

International space station live:

Natural Science

Hello kids!

We are already here with the first unit of Natural Science titled "Life processes".
Do you know how many life processes are there?
This year we are going to study three of the most important life processes: nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction.

What happens inside our body when we eat a pizza or a hot dog?
And, whe do we rise our hands when we see a ball coming to our face?
And, why do we look like our parents?
All these answers and more are here, in the following PPT presentation.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2018

Bienvenidos a 4°!

Hi friends!

Ya estamos aqu铆 otra vez despu茅s de las vacaciones de verano.
Esperamos que lo hay谩is pasado muy bien y que vengais con muchas ganas
de nuevos retos y proyectos.

Nosotros estamos preparados otro curso m谩s para ense帽aros todas las cosas que
hagamos y veamos en todas nuestras clases y dem谩s actividades de nuestro cole.
Aunque hay una diferencia, este a帽o estamos en CUARTO!

Est谩d atentos que arrancamos!